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All Things Quilting Class

All Things Quilting Class

Regular price $250.00 CAD
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Class Policies

Trapunto is a safe, inclusive, and welcoming space for all. To ensure that our standards of behaviour are met we reserve the right to ask anyone to change their behaviour or leave if making disparaging, discriminatory, or damaging remarks, or making anyone in our space feel unwelcome or unsafe.

  • All classes begin on time; please arrive a few minutes early to set up your work area and to purchase any last-minute supplies.

  • Out of courtesy for the instructor and your fellow students, we ask that you turn your cell phone on silent.

  • Due to the health and allergy concerns from exposure to scented products, please refrain from wearing scented products such as perfume, hand lotion, body spray, etc.

  • Full-day classes do not include lunch. We have a kitchen for you to use with mugs, fridge, microwave, kettle, coffee maker, and water cooler. Please feel free to bring your lunch, store it in the fridge, and make yourself a cuppa.

  • Please feel free to park in the lot behind the building. There are no parking fees, nor time limits. There are also plug-ins that you may use in the colder months.

  • To guarantee your place in a class payment must be made at the time of registration. You may register through our website or over the phone with a credit card.

  • We will ask for your email and phone number so we can keep in touch regarding your class and any changes regarding it.

Classroom Setup

  • our classes have a maximum of eight (8) students.
  • individual, height adjustable tables that are large enough for individual cutting stations.
  • arms-free, padded chairs on castors.
  • individual design boards.
  • power outlet and power bar for all your needs.
  • Pressing station.
  • Free use of our counters as well as any rulers, rotary cutters, or any other tools you may need.

Minimum registration: In order for a class to run, we require a minimum of four students enrolled. We reserve the right to cancel a class if we do not get the minimum registration needed. In the rare event we need to cancel a class you are registered in, you will receive a notice of cancellation and full refund of the fees paid.

When you register, you will be able to download a copy of your supply list.

One week prior to the class date you will receive an email reminding you of your class, that email will also include the supply list in case it is buried in your downloads folder.

Please don't buy your supplies until that confirmation email is sent. Once you have the green light, please purchase all fabric, notions and tools prior to your class so you can get started on time.

You are never obligated to purchase supplies from us. If you have supplies at home, please bring them! We encourage you to use what you have. If you do purchase supplies for your class from us, there will be a 10% discount to your class-supply purchase. Woo hoo!

Due to copyright laws, class participants are required to have the pattern or book if applicable. We will indicate if a pattern or book is included in the class fee.

If you cannot attend, please give us a minimum of one week's notice. This will give us time to try and fill your place or, feel free to send a friend. Just let us know. 

Cancellations made less than one week before the class start date will forfeit their registration fee unless we are able to fill your spot. We want to ensure that our teachers are compensated for their time and work, and allow students on the waitlist the opportunity to attend. No-shows forfeit any claim to refund.

The objective of this 10-week quilting course is to teach you the basics of many techniques used in quilting. This course covers fabric selection, colours, rotary cutting, piecing quilt blocks, curves, templates, foundation paper piecing, English paper piecing, and applique techniques. You will make a sampler quilt and learn to sandwich, machine quilt, and bind your masterpiece.

Finished size of sampler quilt: 52 in. x 52 in

Dates TBD

Instructor: Dorothy

Know before you sign up: The instruction is very much hands-on. Classes are a combination of instruction, demonstration and practice. Your sewing machine must be in working order and is needed for all but the first class, and you may have a small amount of homework to do during the week. You can purchase the materials and supplies anywhere you choose. We offer a 10% discount for students on class materials and supplies. 

A full supply list will be provided upon registration. 

All Things Quilting by Alex Anderson is the textbook and is included in the cost of the course, as well as a selection of class materials.

Week 1 - Fabric Selection, Colour Theory, Pressing, & Rotary Cutting
This week we will discuss the three main things to look for when choosing your fabric: colour, value, and character. We will be looking at directional vs. non-directional prints and the benefits of both. We will also briefly discuss using a colour wheel to create the perfect palette.

Rotary Cutting will cover straightening and squaring your fabric and using the rotary cutter to make various useful shapes, and how to press your seam for perfect results.

Depending on the timing, you will get started on the first block.

Week 2 - Machine Piecing Strip Sets and Squares
This section will examine how to pin your fabric using the 1/4" seam allowance and piece different shapes together.

Week 3 - Triangles and Flying Geese
Getting into more advanced piecing in this session by learning how to cut and sew triangles and no-waste flying geese.

Week 4 - Y-Seams and Curves
This session involves more advanced piecing, such as y-seams and making and using templates. Another block is made by learning how to cut and sew curves.

Week 5 - English Paper Piecing
English Paper Piecing is another popular technique and is done by hand. 

Week 6 -  Appliqué Techniques & Foundation Paper Piecing
Appliqué is ornamental needlework in which pieces of fabric in different shapes and patterns are sewn or fused onto a larger piece to form a picture or design. This section will walk you through several ways of making an appliqué and how to attach it by machine or hand.  Foundation Paper Piecing is almost like painting by number. This portion will teach you how to "quilt by number" with FPP, making more complex patterns a breeze.

Week 7 - Setting, Sashing, Borders Now that we've made the nine quilt blocks, it's time to arrange them in a way that's pleasing to our eyes. Frame our quilt with sashing and borders. 

Week 8 - Basting, Batting & Backing
Learn about differences in types of batting, as well as choosing the backing of the quilt. You'll be covered whether you choose a wide back or piece the backing.

Week 9 - Machine Quilting

We will assemble our quilt sandwich and start to quilt it together, using simple techniques like a stitch in the ditch, and framing motifs.

Week 10 - Binding and Labels
The last step, binding (how to make it and stitch it on), will be covered, and labels will be discussed.

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